Islamic Fundamentalist
To dream of an Islamic fundamentalist represents a hard-line attitude towards feeling safe being permanently bound to strict code of morality or behaving. A strong sense of discipline and dedication to one's beliefs or values being important. People or situations that terrify you for not being super conservative, moral, or devoted to the extreme. Additionally, it may reflect a desire for structure and order in one's life.
Negatively, an Islamic Fundamentalist may reflect your own extreme attitude about strict adherence to a personal policy. Extreme or rigid approach to morality or behavior that could be harmful to oneself or others. Feeling controlled or oppressed by someone or something that demands strict adherence to a certain set of beliefs or rules. Sacrificing all happiness to honest work and God in order to be perfect. It may suggest a fear of deviating from strict rules or beliefs, leading to a sense of self-imposed limitation and restraint. A closed-mindedness or intolerance towards other perspectives or ways of living. A fear of punishment or consequences for feeling good or being open-minded once at all. Scary jealousy that anyone else is enjoying freedom. Feeling that someone will attack you if you aren't as strict about morality or believing in God.
*Please See Koran
*Please See ISIS
*Please See Muslim People
*Please See Terrorist