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To dream of a drugstore represents situations that require discretion, privacy, or confidentiality. Your thoughts on the ease or difficulty of obtaining the resources you need to help yourself.

Positively, dreaming of a drugstore may represent your responsible handling of a delicate matter. It may highlight your maturity in respecting confidentiality, or it could indicate a proactive approach to seeking solutions for problems that are private or sensitive in nature. An ability to easily access the resources or solutions that you need for personal problems without anyone else finding out about it.

Negatively, dreaming of a drugstore might imply that you are grappling with issues that you feel forced to keep private or confidential. You may feel a risk of embarrassment with accessing resources while trying to address a problem. You may feel very sensitive about noticing or dealing with a personal problem.

Alternatively, you may be experiencing concerns over your health.

Example: A man dreamed of standing in front of a drugstore. In waking life, his mother had killed herself. In this case, the drugstore may have reflected his wish for discretion with the issue because the subject of suicide felt shameful.

*Please See Pharmacy



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