To dream of female breasts symbolizes passive or assumed power. You or some aspect of your personality that's powerful without effort. Power of something in your life that is unquestionable. The size of the breasts is indicative of how powerful you or some aspect of your personality is.
Large sexually desirable female breasts represents how powerful or influential something you wish to have or experience is over you. It may also reflect difficulty resisting something you really like or powerful sexual desire.
To dream of being intimidated by or shy in the presence of large female breasts represents self-doubt. A positive or desirable outcome may make you question yourself or leave you feeling insecure. You may also feel ill-prepared or lacking a needed resource.
Ugly or misshapen breasts reflects the power of something you are experiencing that may not feel good. How strong an unpleasant aspect of your life is.
A flat chest symbolizes powerlessness. An area of your life that is ineffective or impotent.
To have scars or tattoos on a chest represents difficult events or life lessons that are hard to forget. Something unpleasant you had to endure to gain power.
Example: A woman dreamed of seeing flowers growing out of her breasts and everyone commenting on how nice they were. In waking life she just became pregnant and was feeling the power of her pregnancy on others who were respecting her for it. The flowers coming out of her breasts reflected the praise she felt from others for having gotten pregnant. Her breasts in this case reflect her sense of power that she got from motherhood.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of having sore pus-filled breasts. In waking life she didn't like her level of physical attractiveness and was planning to have plastic surgery on her buttocks. The negative breast symbolism is this case may have reflected her feelings about her female physical attractiveness not being as strong as she would have liked it to be.
*Please See Chest