To dream of a cartoon represents your feelings about experiencing a ridiculous situation that you are not concerned with taking seriously because no matter what outrageous happens, in the end everything goes back to the way it was. Feelings about people being the predictable silly, childish, or immature idiots.
Negatively, dreaming about cartoons could represent feelings of putting up with the absurdity of situations or social encounters where everything happening is so ridiculous with never thinking it's predictable or deserving to learn a lesson that everything was a waste of time. The absurdity of nothing new or important happening because everyone involved is a predictable personality character that's totally concerned with annoying other people or believing in themself that doesn't work. Feelings of not being taken seriously by others or a situation that you find difficult to engage with seriously. A lack of depth in your interactions with people or a dismissive attitude towards serious matters. Perhaps you or someone else is not acknowledging the importance of certain events, or you might be struggling with immaturity either in yourself or others.
Famous cartoon characters may reflect a certain type of feeling, characteristic, or behavior based on the one thing that stands out the most about them.
Dreams when examined closely often appear to us in the form of cartoons or professional animations. This may be a symbol from God that we don't take our life problems seriously enough or that we choose the absurdity of living with our problems.
People who take hallucinogenic drugs often report seeing cartoon or professionally animated hallucinations or the world turning into a cartoon. This may reflect their perception of reality changing with the awareness of being treated as absurd or ridiculous if they ever talk about it to the people.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing cartoon characters. In waking life, he felt politically forced into a relationship with someone he knew was a complete waste of time due to their personality and the personality of people close to them being so ridiculously predictable and fake that the relationship ended as a certainty. In this case, the cartoon may have reflected his perception of the situation as absurd and predictable, with no meaningful lesson to be learned from it.
*Please See Animation