To dream of watching an animation represents your feelings about experiencing a situation that feels ridiculous or absurd about being aware of yourself taking it seriously when you don't have to. Life situations that feel absurd or ridiculous about needing to take them seriously anyway. Experiencing problem situations that are emotionally "larger than life", more intense, or feel exaggerated to the point of being aware of yourself thinking about why they are not dealt with properly, discontinued, or discussed with other people. Feelings about a situation being stupid to waste your time taking it seriously when you don't need to.
Negatively, dreaming about animations could represent a sense of detachment or trivialization of important issues. Not stopping an absurd or ridiculous situation that feels too serious when you could. Overlooking the importance of something or not taking something as seriously as you should. Dismissing serious matters or using humor as a shield against dealing with the reality of a situation. A lack of engagement with the real world, choosing instead to see life through a lens that minimizes the significance or impact of what's truly happening. Awareness of yourself putting up with ridiculous people or absurd problems and not choosing to deal with them differently.
Dreams when examined closely often appear to us in the form of cartoons or professional animations. This may be a symbol from God that we don't take our life problems seriously enough or that we choose the absurdity of living with our problems.
People who take hallucinogenic drugs often report seeing cartoon or professionally animated hallucinations or the world turned into a cartoon. This may reflect their perception of reality changing with the awareness of being treated as absurd or ridiculous if they ever talk about it to the people.
Example: A man dreamed of experiencing a situation in animated form. In waking life, he was experiencing a situation where he had a health problem that prevented him from seeing his life as being important while having to live his life believing in the future anyway hoping that something else would fix him. In this case, the animation may have reflected his way of coping with the seriousness of his health problem through a somewhat detached or lighthearted perspective.
Example 2: A man dreamed of experiencing an animated situation where he was fighting with someone before spinning in circles and ending up in a hotel bathroom. In waking life, he was putting up with a person he didn't want to be friends with while being aware of himself not telling the person. In this case, the animated nature of the dream may have reflected his perception of the ongoing conflict as something absurd and avoidable, yet he continued to engage with the person seriously without a resolution.
*Please See Cartoons