To dream of seeing something burning in your dream represents intense emotions or passionate feelings. A total lack of concern for something. Intentionally being harsh, hurtful, or insensitive. It may also reflect emotional burned out or be a sign that you need to relax.
To dream of burns to the skin represents embarrassment, unpleasant consequences, or hurtful acts that linger. A person or situation has left you a reminder that your actions are forever unwelcome or not to be repeated. A harsh or painful reaction in a social situation. Someone may have disagreed with what you are thinking.
To dream that you being burned alive represents feelings of never being cared about ever again. Despair. Other people rubbing in their neglect, abandonment, or ill will towards you. Insensitivity you feel from others. Bleakness, hardship, or something a situation that devoid of all freedom.
To dream of other people burning alive may represent how consumed you are by your own ambition. Intentionally neglecting or killing some area of your life off. Watching a situation or area of your life go up in smoke, intentionally waste away, or get consumed by another passion. Experiencing an area of your life that is empty, bleak, or filled with hardship. Sensitivity about giving up something important forever.
To dream of a house burning represents a perspective on a situation being intentionally abandoned or harshly neglected. It may also reflect intense anger or spite towards someone else.
To dream of a city burning may reflect feelings about social activity being destroyed or ruined. Feelings about the end of friendships, relationships, or being able to speak to people ever again.
To dream of clothes being burned may represents feelings about people or situations that terrify you that you can never like yourself or believe in yourself ever again. Passionate anger from others that ruins your ability to be yourself. Alternatively, it may reflect dangerous situation or dangerous actions that have resulted in permanent embarrassment. Feeling forced to behave differently because you or someone else went too far with something. Excessive behavior that has forced you to change your ways. Having no sense of humor about a situation or problem that got out of control.
To dream of money burning may reflect feelings about experiencing power or resources being wasted. Intentionally sabotaging other people's ability to use their power or abilities as they choose. Wasting your own power. Negative feelings about yourself or others having too much power.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing his friend with burn marks around his neck. In waking life this friend had killed himself and the man was beginning to understand the despair the friend felt about his life that motivated him to kill himself.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being burned with a fireplace poker. In waking life he husband had cheated on her.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of a snake spitting burning venom on her. In waking life she felt that her sister was a bad influence and sad very lasting painful things.
Example 4: A man dreamed of seeing someone being burned alive. In waking life he felt that his wish to be a psychologist was being completely consumed by his ambition to succeed in another field.
Example 5: A young man dreamed of seeing a burned child and being afraid. In waking life he was fearing that using a Ouija board would destroy his life and future if he summoned up a demon.
Example 6: A woman dreamed of trying to escape a burning building with a guy she was dating. In waking like she felt that the guy she was dating was losing interest in her and that the social life she was building for herself was falling apart.
Example 7: A man dreamed of seeing a home burning with smoke coming out of it. In waking life he was having anxiety about serious financial problems.
*Please See Fire