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To dream of smelling or tasting vanilla represents an experience of preferring plain and simple that's safe as can be. An experience that is simple and comfortable while never getting back at you for feeling good about it. Experiences that are comfortably ordinary without a problem. Enjoying simple comfortable success without any problems. A welcoming experience or inviting situation that is simple, comfortable, and without a problem at all. Your preference for simple comfortable straightforwardness with the absence of complexity or drama in your life.

Positively, dreaming about vanilla may represent a sense of comfort, reassurance, or stability provided by things that are straightforward or well-known to you. Comfort, familiarity, and contentment with the ordinary or conventional aspects of life. An appreciation of the uncomplicated, an escape from stress or overstimulation, or the value found in ordinary experiences. Your satisfaction with the simple pleasures and everyday routines.

Negatively, dreaming about vanilla could represent feeling about preferring to be too safe with plain and simple. Boredom, blandness, or a lack of excitement and creativity. A fear of risk-taking, choosing the safe or known path rather than exploring more exciting or adventurous options. A sense of something lacking in zest, passion, or interest. A need to add variety and excitement to your life, as an excess of simplicity and predictability may lead to boredom or stagnation. This dream may encourage you to consider spicing things up or seeking new experiences rather than sticking to the same routine.

To dream of vanilla ice cream represents comforting yourself with an option that is plain, simple, and safe as can be.

Example: A man dreamed that the sky was made of vanilla. In waking life, he was experiencing a lot of growth with his business after fearing that it was never going to work. In this case, the vanilla sky may have reflected his feelings about the simplicity, ease, and safety of his new phase of success, a stark contrast to his earlier struggles.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of a close male friend understanding her craving for vanilla ice cream and getting her some. In waking life, she was experiencing a difficult time with unemployment while enjoying talking to this close male friend. In this case, the vanilla ice cream may have reflected her feelings of comfort and simplicity found through her interactions with her close male friend during a challenging time.



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