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To dream of an interrogation represents feelings of being questioned, scrutinized, or pressured about the truth. A period of questioning your actions, decisions, or beliefs. Your thoughts about accountability, honesty, or confronting uncomfortable truths. A relentless need for the truth of a matter.

Positively, dreaming about an interrogation may symbolize your sense of self-examination and self-reflection. A desire to gain deeper insights into your own thoughts, motivations, and actions. This dream might also indicate your willingness to face tough questions or challenges in order to grow and improve as an individual. A reflection of your investigative skills, critical thinking, or your ability to get to the bottom of complex issues. Your commitment to justice, fairness, or upholding moral values.

Negatively, dreaming about an interrogation might suggest feelings of vulnerability, guilt, or anxiety about being judged or criticized by others. A fear of being exposed or having your secrets revealed. A situation in your waking life where you feel pressured to defend yourself, explain your actions, or reveal information that you'd rather keep hidden. A fear of being found at fault or an internal struggle with a sense of wrongdoing or moral conflict. Perhaps you are dealing with feelings of insecurity or doubts about your actions, or you might be facing a situation in your waking life where you feel accused or unfairly scrutinized. A tendency to question others or pry into their personal matters, which could be perceived negatively by those around you. Behaving overly intrusive, mistrusting, or excessively focused on finding faults in others. You may be "grilling" yourself about why you did something or unable to forgive yourself. A person or situation that is trying squeeze every last bit of information out of you.

To dream of being an interrogator may represent feelings of questioning, scrutinizing, or pressuring others about the truth. An attempt to extract the truth from a situation or person. A strong need for the truth or your distrust of a person or situation.

Alternatively, dreaming about an interrogation may reflect your literal feelings about someone deserving to be investigated by the police.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being interrogated by a woman about a scar on her leg. She said that she had become used to the scar, while the woman kept telling her that if she were her she'd hate the scar. The dreamer began to feel worthless. In waking life, she had aspirations to become a TV journalist, but a big scar on her leg made her doubt herself. In this case, the interrogation may have reflected her feelings of insecurity about the scar on her leg that made her scrutinize herself and doubt her future job prospects as a journalist.



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