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To dream of someone that you secretly have a real crush on in waking life represents feelings that that person or a desirable goal may be too good for you. Jealousy that you won't measure up, be attractive enough, or get to experience something at all. Spending too much time looking at what you want and not enough on getting what you want.

To dream of having a secret crush on someone that you don't like or hate may reflect feelings of unattainable desire to be rid of something unpleasant for good. Feeling that you are not good enough to eliminate something you don't like from your life for good. Feeling jealous that you will never get to be mean to someone, get revenge on someone, or embarrass someone.

To dream of your crush rejecting you or has stood you up may reflect anxieties about having your true feelings revealed to them. It may also represent an excessive preoccupation with every signal you are getting from your crush meaning that they don't like you. Alternatively, being rejected or stood up by your crush may represent disappointments with situations you had good expectations for.

To dream of having a crush on a celebrity or someone that you don't know very well represents desire for a waking life situation to occur based on the qualities that stand out the most about that person. Ask yourself what feelings or memories are the strongest when you think about the person and try to see if any of your current goals give you those same feelings. You may feel that you are not good enough for something.

To dream of having a crush on a stranger represents feelings about new or unexpected possibilities being out of reach.

To dream that someone attractive has a crush on you may represent feelings of worthiness and boosts to your self-esteem. It may also reflect unexpected good news about new possibilities or opportunities. To dream that someone unattractive to you has a crush on you may represent good news or new opportunities that don't impress you.

To dream of a former crush may represent feelings associated with desire. In a positive context you may be experiencing good luck, new opportunities, or a really enjoyable experience. In a negative context, you may be experiencing situations where you are too shy or scared to go after your goals. Accepting a lower role or standing because you won't speak up. Alternatively, a former crush may reflect feelings based on your most honest feelings or memories of them. Ask yourself what memories or feelings stand out the most about that person and try to see if you are experiencing a current situation that mirrors those feelings or memories.

*Please See Celebrities



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