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To see a bear in a dream represents an aspect of yourself that is staunchly independent or that doesn't like to share. You or someone else that likes to do things all on their own. Not liking other ideas or other people interfering with you. You or someone else that is impossible to compromise with.

Negatively, the bear reflects possessiveness, an overbearing attitude, or unhealthy loner tendencies. You or someone else that doesn't want to share anything or do anything with anyone else. You want something all to yourself or to monopolize something. A fierce desire to have something all to yourself. Alternatively, a bear may reflect a problem that makes nobody like to be around you or an issue that make socializing impossible. Grumpy attitude. An intimidating control freak in your life.

To dream of being chased by a bear represents may represent an aversion to someone else's possessiveness, jealousy, or unwillingness to share. It may also represent a fear of being alone or being noticed by yourself. Problems taking time off work or fearing your boss.

To dream of being attacked by a bear may reflect feelings about conflict in your life with a dominant jealous person. Feeling attacked for your independence. Feeling attacked by someone who wants to steal your ideas or freedom. Feeling attacked by someone who doesn't want you to have friends. Feeling attacked by someone who doesn't like you have financial freedom. Feeling attacked by a jealous partner or family member. Fearing yourself being forced to be alone. Conflict with someone who thinks they are better than you are. Conflict with someone who doesn't like you owning or controlling property. A powerful greedy person who doesn't like sharing with you and will attack you with all their strength to avoid having to share with you. Terrifying jealousy of you. Overbearing selfish parents or authority figures.

To dream of a black bear may reflect feelings of fearing someone that doesn't want to share with you. Excessive feelings about wanting to be alone or monopolize a situation. Excessive need to have all the attention, importance, or power to yourself. Excessive selfishness that wishes to scare people away from sharing.

Example: A young man once dreamed of a brown bear trying to attack him in his bedroom. In real life he was very depressed and was thinking about being alone for the rest of his life.

Example 2: A teacher often dreamed of seeing bears. In real life he had a tendency to dominate conversations and to discourage anyone else from having an opinion.

Example 3: A man dreamed of bears attacking him. In real life financial problems forced his wife to work longer hours and he didn't like being unable to completely support her financially. The bear reflected his fear of being unable to be the main bread winner in the family.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of being attacked by a bear. In waking life she felt that discussing her rape made it impossible to be around the people she loved.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of a brown bear that was calm. In waking life she had a nephew who was on life support and close to death. The calm brown bear in this dream may have reflected her calm feelings about her nephew's medical problem being impossible to compromise with.

Example 6: A young man dreamed of a bear's head being decapitated. In waking life he was afraid of joining the military because he believed he couldn't deal with being shouted at a lot or ordered around. The decapitated bear head may have reflected his feelings never being able to feel independent or do things on his own the same way ever again if he joined the military.

Example 7: A young boy dreamed seeing a bear with a human face. In waking life his little brother had been killed in a car accident and he was forced to go to therapy to discuss it. The bear with a human face may have reflected his feelings about being forced into being an only child by the tragic death of his brother and being forced to talk about it in a civil manner.

Example 8: A young man dreamed of being attacked by a bear. In waking life he had a very jealous father who wanted keep total control over his life. The father didn't like the son becoming financially successful with the freedom to move away so the father became very aggressive about trying to purchase the same property the son was going to buy so the father could keep control over his son for the rest of his life.

*Please See Polar Bears



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