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Water Park

To dream of a water amusement or water theme park represents a time in your life where you are having a number of experiences where you are enjoying negative habits, or taking a lot of risks. Feeling good knowing what you're doing is wrong or dangerous. Enjoying yourself noticing uncertainty or negative situations all the time. Since a waterslide reflects enjoyment of a single negative issue or uncertain event, a water park symbolizes multiple or recurring experiences.

Examples of life situations that may encourage a water park dream may be sex with multiple partners, or enjoying getting revenge against an enemy. You may also see an water park theme if you are taking a lot of chances.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing a man building a waterpark. In waking life he was enrolled in a spiritual school and was beginning to get addicted to pornography. The water park may have reflected his enjoyment of himself have total freedom to do something that he knew was immoral without restraint.

*Please See Waterslides



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