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To dream of a warrior represents an aspect of your personality that's fearless. Showing courage in ways you feel others wouldn't. A fearless attitude towards challenges. You may be standing up a fear you have or casually taking a big chance. A fearless willingness to fail or humiliate yourself for the greater good. "Dying for a cause" or "living for God" only.

Negatively, you may be experiencing a person that fears nothing you threaten them with. A fearless enemy. It may also reflect your own excessive drive to confront problems or show off doing so. Preoccupation with "not being a wimp."

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing a 10 foot tall warrior. In waking life she was very focused on being spiritually tough for God. She wanted to be perfect and face all negative thoughts or selfishness as soon as she spotted in herself to please God. She didn't care what anyone thought and was fearless about facing her conscience.



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