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To dream of a warehouse represents resources, ideas, or goals that are on hold. A warehouse may also reflect your memories.

Alternatively, a warehouse may represent your feeling of having everything you need at your disposal. Your personal storehouse of possibility or potential. Your arsenal or tools to succeed.

To dream of putting something in a warehouse may reflect ideas, plans, or resources you are putting on hold for a later time. It may also reflect your adding of something to your personal or professional tool set.

To dream of an empty warehouse represents depletion of resources, ideas, or tools. You need to replenish your energy or resources. You have nothing left to offer or depend on.

To dream of an abandoned warehouse represents a loss of motivation to be resourceful or educated. You don't care about saving, reading up, or being ready for problems anymore. You've lost interest in something.

To dream of taking something out of a warehouse represents resources or ideas that are being used. You may have decided to restart something. Finally getting to use something you've been saving.

Example: A woman dreamed of putting something in a warehouse. In waking life he was putting off her career until her child was old enough.



Please try searching one term at a time.  If that fails, feel free to contact us with any requests or suggestions for dream symbols you want added to the dictionary.

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