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To dream of tuna fish represents feelings about wanting an insight or new idea that's acceptable, but doesn't need to be awesome, brilliant, or the most important. Ideas or insights that help you by not needing a lot of attention. Insights or ideas that help you by simply not being fake or loud. A dreamer's pragmatic, grounded perspective towards conflicts or problems. Behavior that does whatever works or acts unimportant to make anger go away. Remain neutral or passive while a conflict unfolds around them, preferring to focus on their own well-being and stability. A preference for dealing with problems without the need for attention or admiration from others. New ideas that aren't ridiculous, but feeling that nobody will be impressed with them. Feeling happier to do something new with your family privately instead of showing off in public. Feeling good about new ideas that don't need to be impressive to help you succeed.

Negatively, tuna in a dream may reflect a dissatisfaction with settling for simply acceptable ideas or options, because you want something more awesome, brilliant, or important. Jealousy of new ideas that don't allow you to show off. Feeling that you have to settle for an easy unattractive idea or option. A dislike for unattractive easy ideas. A dislike for having to spend time with family instead of getting a lot of attention because it's safer or easier.

To dream of tuna from a can represents feelings of respecting yourself mattering without requiring being professional. Stamina and agility. Acceptable behavior that doesn't act like it's most important that sustains you or gets you through a difficult situation. A simple and unassuming solution.

Tuna dreams appear common to people who are putting up with someone else's anger.

Example: A woman dreamed of handing a tuna salad sandwich to the personal assistant of her boss. In waking life, her boss was a Doctor and she worked in a medical office. In this case, the tuna may have reflected her feelings about trying to offer a simple and unassuming solution to some office conflict or issue because it was doctor's office with serious professional employers who didn't want to listen to anything more important than it needed to be.



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