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To dream of a toothbrush represents habits that allow you to maintain or renew confidence at all times. Something you do or tell yourself in waking life to maintain a strong sense of self. Keeping your strengths in good working order. Resources that allow you to easy maintain confidence in yourself.

Negatively, a toothbrush may reflect defensiveness about criticism being directed towards you. You are putting up a shield or barrier to protect yourself from potential hurt. It may be a sign that you are obsessed with noticing your strengths or preoccupied with your appearance. Bad habits or dishonest behavior to maintain good appearances. Depending on money to fix all your problems. Serving someone you using in order to maintain good appearances. Being nice to lovers or partners so they don't leave you.

Electric toothbrushes in a dream may reflect feelings about how easy it is to maintain good appearances or look like a winner. Using sex or money with ease to look like a winner. Negatively, an electric toothbrush may reflect feelings about not needing to be nice to people in order to keep a winning appearance. Feelings of convenience to easily maintain a winning or successful appearance.

Manual toothbrushes may reflect more effort required to maintain good appearances or look like a winner than you like. Negatively, it may reflect feelings about more effort than you like required of you with needing to be nice to people in order to remain confident about yourself.

Switching from an electric to a manual regular toothbrush may reflect feelings about your ability to maintain good appearances or look like a winner becoming more difficult. Sex or money may not be an easy resource to solve problems as it used to be. Feeling that you have to be nicer to people than was previously required of you.

Example: A woman dreamed of having to switch from a electric toothbrush to a manual toothbrush. In waking life she felt that her boyfriend didn't love her as much as he used to. She felt that having sex with him was an easy way to keep him easily in love with her and slowly she felt she had to try harder to please him in the relationship to stop him from leaving her.

*Please See Toothpaste



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