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To dream of stones represents a situation or aspect of yourself that is unyielding. You or someone else that compromises nothing at all. Strength, permanence, or an unchanging attitude. Unyielding beliefs. Confidence or actions that will stand the test of time.

Negatively, a stone may reflect painful memories, hate, guilt, or jealousy that can't be overcome. Bitterness or revenge that is powerful and calculated in it's ability to cause harm. Certainty that you are going to permanently hurt someone.

Positively, a stone may reflect love or trust that can't be broken. Alternatively, stones may reflect your sense of permanence regarding issues of moral judgment or guilt.

Consider the shape, texture and color of the stone for additional meaning.

To dream of a stone wall represents feelings about being totally secure in your position in some area of your life. Feeling that is extremely difficult for enemies or problems to embarrass you again. A strong barrier to loss. Feeling comfortable knowing that you are too strong to easily override. Negatively, a stone wall may represent situations or behavior that's unyielding in it's attempt to stop you. A distraction that can't be avoided that isn't easy to override.

To dream of your legs or arms turning to stone may represent feelings about life situations that feel permanently stuck or on hold. Abilities that are usually easy for you may suddenly feel impossible. Feeling paralyzed in your abilities by others actions. Problematic stagnated situations that are so awful that you can't do anything at all to change them.

Dreams about limbs turning to stone are common to people experiencing actual physical paralysis in their limbs.

To dream of throwing stones represents feelings intentionally terrible actions taken against another person. Intentionally trying to make someone feel stupid. You or someone else that intentionally wants to make someone else feel bad as hard as you can. Powerful jealousy, anger, or bitterness directed towards someone else. Intentionally emotionally dangerous actions. Hurtfulness. Hoping to cause others permanent damage. Disrespecting others with damaging actions or creating bad memories. Negatively throwing a stone may reflect a selfish or arrogant attempt to hurt someone. Ignorantly causing others pain or embarrassment.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing small beautiful stone walls in the front of a mansion. In waking life his rich controlling father had died and he finally felt like a grown man who could never be humiliated again by being talked to like a loser.

Example 2: A woman had recurring dreams of seeing members of her family turn into stone statues. In waking life, she soon developed catatonic schizophrenia and her whole body became frozen with rigidity.

Example 3: A person dreamed of turning into a stone statue stuck in world of stillness. In waking life shortly after this dream the person became ill with sleeping sickness.

Example 4: A man dreamed of being turned into a pillar stone, watching the world get old, an then experiencing himself withering away. In waking life the man was quite old and died shortly after having this dream. The pillar of stone in the dream may have reflected his feelings about himself growing into a strong adult.

*Please See Boulder



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