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Soft Drinks

To dream of a soft drink or soda pop represents a convenient choice that feels good noticing you don't need to waste time. Feeling good noticing that not wasting time is easy. Not needing to be successful in order to enjoy a situation working quickly. Enjoying easy answers or easy solutions to problems. An easy or pleasant option available to avoid wasting time jealous. Feeling good noticing you are not jealous at all because you can quickly cancel something.

Negatively, a soft drink may reflect a lack of respect for someone else with how quickly or easily you can cancel something that makes you jealous. Dishonest use of quick and easy options to cancel out jealous. Being too accustomed to the easy quick solutions that are unhealthy long-term. Lacking appreciation for how easy it is to embarrass someone else with a quick choice.

To dream of Coke or Coca Cola represents a convenient choice that feels good not wasting any time jealous while being original and honest. Feeling good being original without dishonesty or crime. Enjoying being original or having easy access to something original. Feeling good knowing you never have to compromise or explain yourself. Enjoying a classic option. A choice that feels good never wasting any time while nobody thinks anything is wrong with it.

To dream of Pepsi Cola represents a convenient choice that feels good not wasting time jealous while being more hip or "with it" than someone else. Wanting to feel good conveniently subverting something terrible with a new idea. Wanting to quickly fix a problem or relationship with ideas that are hipper or less boring than what is currently being experienced. Enjoying experiencing a situation or choice that is more "hip", progressive, or less restrictive than the status quo. Feeling good about not needing to be original or feeling that being original is boring. Enjoying doing things different than everyone else. Feeling good being "hipper" than someone older than you.

To dream of Orange Crush Soda represents a convenient choice that feel good not wasting any time being powerful like it's easy. Feeling good being power without wasting time because everyone else thinks it's a good idea too.

To dream of a soft drink delivery truck represents decision making that is focused on making life enjoyably easier for other people. Decisions involves doing all the hard work for others so they can simply feel good having an easy time. You or someone else that is enjoying others feeling good having it easy. Negatively, a soft drink delivery truck may reflect anxiety or jealousy that other people will given advantages that you believe are too easy or dangerous. Enabling easy advantages to people who don't appreciate them.

To dream of a soda or soft drink advertisement represents an attempt to interest others in choose an easy option that feels good not wasting any time. Feeling good that there is nothing wrong with choices that don't waste time making some area of your life a lot easier. Enticing or trying to convince others to try a much more easier, enjoyable, quicker way of doing things. You or someone else that is offering others the chance to make life easy and laugh about it.

Example: A woman dreamed of seeing birds in a cage swimming in a pool of Coca Cola. In waking she was experiencing some very positive changes that she couldn't act on yet. Her first or original choice in a matter was easily available to her again after first being rejected.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of carefully holding Coca Cola in her hands swishing around as a car drove hastily in reverse to get onto the highway. In waking life she was desperately holding on to a lucky opportunity to get her dream job and first choice for a career after first believing it was impossible to have. In this case desperately holding on to bottle Coca Cola may have reflected her feelings about needing to carefully protect an easy option to have her dream job.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of being jealous that her boyfriend was going to drink Orange Crush soda. In waking life her boyfriend was thinking of breaking up with her after seeking counsel from other people.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of seeing Pepsi Cola in her fridge thinking it was her mother's can. In waking life her boyfriend was thinking of breaking up with her and she was hoping God would carry to her a new way to be happy with her boyfriend so she could keep him.

Example 5: A young girl dreamed of having no more Pepsi Cola left and telling people that they can get some later. In waking life was she felt very sad and was living depressed. Having no more Pepsi Cola left may have reflected her inability to quickly try new things or make progressive choices that left her depressed.

Example 6: A woman dreamed of seeing a little boy in the backseat of a car drinking a 2 liter bottle of Coca Cola and then reluctantly having to go to the bathroom to pee. In waking life she was looking for ways to restore he marriage and was having problems finding a working solution.

Example 7: A young woman dreamed of a white truck filled with Coca Cola and coconut rum, but then feeling frustrated and confused. In waking life she was in college, but feeling frustrated about what to do after college.



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