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To see a reptile or lizard in your dream symbolizes fear. Either a fear you have or a fear you are projecting to someone else.

To dream of a yellow lizard or reptile reptile represents fear you have that is quite noticeable.

Women who are pregnant commonly dream of lizards. This most likely reflects their fears associated with maintaining a healthy pregnancy or the safety of the baby. Fears of having deformed baby or that the baby will die. Fears of a difficult delivery, of their partner leaving them, or being unable to financial support the baby.

Example: A man dreamed of being reborn as a reptile. In waking life he as just recovered from a dangerous experiment with mind altering substances. After the dangerous experiment he realized he was scaring his friends and family all the time when he discussed it. The rebirth as a reptile reflected the dramatic change in how he was perceived by others as his new reputation instilled fear in the people that cared about him.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing a giant black lizard. In waking life he was experiencing a serious crisis and feared being murdered.

*Please See Dragons

*Please See Dinosaur

*Please See Alligators



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