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Public Bathroom

To dream of a public bathroom represents feelings about limited privacy or discretion while getting rid of or moving on from problems in a social or public setting. Not wanting to discuss what you are doing to get rid of your problems while other people may be aware of it. Feelings of exposure or vulnerability in a social or public setting while trying to move on from problems. Not wanting other people thinking about your handling of problems more than they need to. Feelings of discomfort or awkwardness in social situations where personal matters or struggles are exposed or discussed. Feelings of pressure to conform to social expectations or norms when dealing with personal problems or challenges. Concerns about how much of your personal life you are forced to share in public or professional contexts.

Positively, dreaming about a public bathroom may represent a willingness to confront and address personal issues or emotions openly and honestly, even in the presence of others.

Negatively, dreaming about a public bathroom may represent feelings of shame, embarrassment, or discomfort about revealing intimate details or personal struggles to others. A fear of being judged or criticized for your vulnerabilities or shortcomings, leading to a desire to keep them hidden or private. Fears of exposure, embarrassment, or lack of privacy. Feeling that your personal boundaries are being invaded or that you are forced to deal with private issues in ways that make you uncomfortable. Struggling with the lack of privacy or control over personal matters.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being inside a stall in a public bathroom. In waking life, she had recently broken up with her boyfriend. In this case, being in the public bathroom stall may have reflected her feelings about wanting discretion while getting over her breakup with all her friends at school aware of it.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a public bathroom. In waking life, she was having marital issues. In this case, the public bathroom may have reflected her feelings about wanting to avoid discussing her marital problems while she handled them without discussing the situation with friends or family.

*Please See Bathrooms

*Please See Urinal

*Please See Toilets



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