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Pine Needles

To dream of dried up pine needles represents unpleasant feelings about a situation or problem in your life that you feel is an unbearable waste of time to deal with. Unpleasant feelings about having to be meticulous about a problem that doesn't matter to you anymore. Feeling that it's easier to just let an issue go than confront it or speak up about it.

Negatively, dreaming of dried pine needles may reflect a heightened sense of passivity about confronting problems because it feels like it will become an unbearable amount of work or trouble. A concern about exhausting yourself with needless recurring arguments over the long-term.

Example: A woman dreamed that it was raining dried pine needles. In waking life she felt that housework was piling up to unbearable amounts while also suspecting that her husband was talking to another woman after smelling someone else's scent on his clothing. The raining pine needles may have reflected her feelings about how unbearable it felt to have to speak up for herself about issues she felt would lead to potentially unsolvable long-term recurring arguments.



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