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To dream of pimples represents issues with low self-esteem and self-image. You may be self-conscious about something or hoping that a problem you have goes noticed. You may feel awkward or out of place in a situation or relationship. Insecurity that something is wrong with you. Feeling stupid that your appearances are not as perfect as you'd like them to be. Insecurity about appearances in public or to people close to you. You might feel foolish that others notice your problem and hope nobody mentions it, and feel immature for not discussing the issue when everyone can see it.

To dream of squeezing a pimple represents feelings of wanting to address or confront the worst aspects of issues causing your low self-esteem or self-image. Attempting to resolve the worst part of a self-image problem or minimize what is making you feel insecure. Forcing yourself to confront the worst part of an appearance issue so that you do not seem to be overdoing it, and others won't ask questions. Feelings about changing an embarrassing imperfection to a less noticeable mistake. Changing "blemish" that makes you feel like loser into a mistake or mishap. Negatively, squeezing a pimple may reflect feelings of looking like a loser with appearances made worse or more dangerous than needed.

Example: A woman dreamed of having pimples that needed to be popped. In waking life, she had issues with her finances that requiring being dealt with and were embarrassing to talk about. In this case, the pimples may have reflected her feelings of low self-esteem, insecurity and embarrassment surrounding her financial difficulties, and the desire to hide or avoid discussing them with others.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of having a pimple on his chin. In waking life, he was very insecure about living at home with parents and having to discuss it with friends. In this case, the pimple may have reflected his feelings of low self-esteem and insecurity regarding his living situation and the fear of being judged by his friends.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of seeing her ex-boyfriend's face with a lot of pimples. In waking life, she was very insecure about her appearances to friends and family with her ex-boyfriend never returning to her as he had found another woman. In this case the ex-boyfriend's face with pimples may have reflected her feelings of low self-esteem, self-image issues, and insecurities surrounding her breakup and her ex-boyfriend moving on with someone else.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of having a pimple on her knee. In waking life, she had low self-esteem about her weight and her inability to resist overeating. In this case, the pimple on her knee may have reflected her low self-esteem and self-image about her lack of will power to resist poor eating habits.



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