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To dream of marriage represents a serious commitment to an aspect of yourself. Commitment to values, behaviors, beliefs, or goals that are fundamental to your identity and daily existence. A strong commitment to specific behavior because it supports you all the time. A strong commitment to believing in yourself a certain way because it supports you all the time. An aspect of yourself that you feel you can't live without. An aspect of yourself that you respect yourself never wanting to live without. A situation that you are always committed to. Ideas you are convinced of. Behavior or habits you can't respect yourself discontinuing. Permanently believing you are committed to behaving a certain way. A commitment to another person, idea, or situation that deeply influences your emotional and psychological state.

Positively, dreaming about marriage may represent strength found in commitments to values, behaviors, beliefs, or goals that are fundamental to your identity and daily existence. A strong dedication to maintaining self-respect and upholding certain principles or standards that support your well-being and personal growth. It can reflect your unwavering commitment to believing in yourself and your capabilities, even when faced with challenges or difficulties.

Negatively, dreaming of marriage may represent feelings of being trapped or constrained by commitments, behaviors, or beliefs that no longer serve you or have become burdensome. Feelings of being overcommitted to values, behaviors, beliefs, or goals that are fundamental to your identity and daily existence. Permanently believing you are committed to behaving a certain way without thinking that letting go will help you move on. Feeling that you can't change a situation, stop yourself from behaving a certain way, or are trapped in a relationship. Situations that you feel stuck with. Feeling trapped, held back, or that you can't get out of something. Dependency of a certain way of thinking or acting. Being in love with yourself never thinking of a single other different because you are angry or jealous.

Alternatively, dreaming about marriage may reflect relationship insecurity. Problems with secret crushes on people you are not dating. Jealousy of seeing people you are interested in being involved with other people. Jealousy of seeing other people being married.

To dream of seeing other people being married represents aspects of yourself that are working "hand in hand" all the time. Feeling that other people aren't committed to you.

To dream of seeing someone you're romantically interested in is marrying someone else may reflect insecurities or jealousy.

To dream about problems in a marriage may represent situations where commitment or a sense of permanence is lacking. Difficulties, conflicts, or challenges that you are facing in a committed relationship or a significant aspect of your life. Concerns or conflicts related to your own commitments or relationships in waking life. Communication issues, unmet expectations, or differing values and beliefs. A need for compromise, understanding, or a reevaluation of your commitments. A need to adjust your behavior because you are too serious about something. Worries about the stability and unity of an important aspect of your life.

To dream of marriage to something unusual such as a plant, animal, or object may reflect feelings about strong commitments to something unusual or unconventional based on whatever the symbolism is what you are married to.

To dream of not being married may represent feelings of not having a serious commitment or not having a permanent connection or sense of support. Feelings of independence, freedom, or a desire to remain uncommitted. A reluctance to fully commit to a particular set of values, behaviors, beliefs, or goals, and a preference for exploring different options or paths in life. A sense of being unburdened by the responsibilities and constraints. Religious people who dream of not being married may be experiencing a sense that God is not supporting them in life.

Negatively, dreaming about not being married may reflect a fear of commitment. Jealousy of someone else's life working better than yours or that they're more important than you. Feeling that an enemy is supported by being dishonest or a jerk when you are not.

To dream of living in an unhappy marriage may reflect feelings of unhappiness or disappointment with some area of your life you initially felt a strong sense of confidence with. Feelings about behaviors or relationships not being as strong as they once were. A reduced sense of confidence about behavior, skills, talents, or relationships usually makes you feel permanently safe.

Example: A man dreamed of being married to Evangeline Lilly. The quality that stood out the most to him about Evangeline Lilly was her "respecting herself not believing in people if they don't think of her believing in herself without asking." In waking life, the man was spending a lot of time yelling at his business partner who was being irresponsible. In this case, being married to Evangeline Lilly reflected his deep commitment to maintaining self-respect and demanding the same level of respect from his business partner.

Example 2: A young girl dreamed of being married to a vampire. In waking life, she noticed herself being dependent on using her friend to get through a class at school. In this case, being married to a vampire may have reflected her realization that her reliance on her friend for help in class was becoming excessive or unhealthy. She may have felt that she couldn't survive her class without using someone in order to support herself in passing her school class.

Example 3: A young man dreamed of being married to a monkey. In waking life, he was being made fun of for wanting to marry a girl that other people called a witch. In this case, the marriage to a monkey may have reflected his feelings about being permanently in a relationship with a girl he was losing respect for due to her acting childish.

Example 4: A man dreamed of being married to a fat woman. In waking life, he was being criticized for lazy behavior that he didn't want to stop. In this case, being married to a fat woman may have reflected his feelings about being committed or unwilling to separate from a physically inactive life which he preferred over a physically active life.

Example 5: A woman dreamed of being married to someone who wasn't her husband. In waking life, she was very confident about ending her marriage and marrying another man if she ever wanted to. In this case, being married to someone other than her husband may have reflected her strong commitment to the idea of leaving her current marriage and pursuing a different relationship or lifestyle.

Example 6: A man dreamed of seeing a royal wedding. In waking life, he was witnessing his ex-girlfriend getting married to another man. In this case, the royal marriage may have reflected his feelings about his ex-girlfriend being permanently committed to someone who could give her a life that was better, more respected, and more important.

Example 7: A woman dreamed of getting married, but everything went wrong. In waking life, she was experiencing arguments with her boyfriend about his unwillingness to commit. In this case, getting married where everything went wrong may have reflected her fears and anxieties about committing to a relationship that was already showing signs of instability and conflict.

Example 8: A woman dreamed of getting married to a cactus. In waking life, he was trying to commit herself to studying for her school exams for a course which she believed failure was an inevitability. She felt she looked stupid for even attempting to study the course material. In this case, being married to a cactus may have reflected her perception of her commitment to studying a failing course at school out of the interest of still potentially passing, while also feeling that going to class emotionally hurt her by making her feel stupider than other people for getting too involved with it.



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