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To dream of a magician represents an aspect of yourself that leaves other in amazement or disbelief. Someone that makes you feel that "I can't believe that just happened." A person in your life that amazes you by defying the rules or what you thought was possible. Tricks, insider knowledge, or past experience that is impressive. Something you or someone else does that projects amazement or awe. Exceptional or uncommon ability at persuading or influencing.

Alternatively, a magician may reflect an amazing display of talent or skill.

Negatively, a magician may reflect exploitation of tricks, lies, or previous experience to impress others. Using a skill to create a deceptive impression to others. Being a "poser" who exploits others naivety to feel powerful. Trying to fool someone into believing something that you know isn't true.

Example: A woman dreamed of a old magician performing an amazing trick in her bed to make her climax during sex. In waking life she had postponed childbearing into her mid-thirties while her more experienced husband had already had children from another marriage. The magician in the dream may have reflected her feelings about how incredible her husband is at getting her pregnant when she didn't believe she ever could get pregnant.



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