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To dream of an unborn fetus represents feelings about how sensitive a developing aspect of your life is. Feelings about how dangerous it is to not care about something perfectly.

Negatively, a fetus may reflect feelings of awareness about a competitive or problematic aspect of your life slowing developing. Anxiety or jealousy at having to watch your opponent slowly develop without being able to do anything about it. Feeling that a developing problem could soon become serious.

A dead fetus outside a woman's body may reflect feelings about a positive opportunity having been wasted. Jealousy that destroyed potential happiness. A dangerous or violent ending that ruined future prospects.

Alternatively, dreaming about a fetus may reflect sensitivity about an unwanted pregnancy.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing 4 fetuses on a table on life support. In waking life he was sensitive about the stability of his business life ruining an important vacation he had ordered.

Example 2: A teenage boy dreamed of seeing a fetus on a crucifix. In waking life he lost his virginity and sensitively feared that a pregnancy with embarrass him for life.



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