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To dream of a factory represents feelings about non-stop productivity or a productive process that is continuously working. Feelings about routine, work ethic, or the process of working towards goals or producing something in your life. Factories can represent the mind's ability to generate ideas, emotions, or experiences steadily and reliably. Your attitudes towards labor, routine, or the systematic organization of tasks.

Positively, dreaming about a factory might indicate efficiency, productivity, and the successful creation or achievement of goals. Feelings of accomplishment, progress, or fulfillment associated with your work or projects. A well-organized mindset or life situation where everything is working as it should, producing results, or moving towards a clear objective. A sense of purpose, discipline, or dedication to achieving your goals.

Negatively, dreaming about a factory may represent feelings of being trapped in monotony, overwork, or the dehumanization of being a small part of a larger, uncaring system. Negative behavior or bad habits that are repetitive and ongoing. Feeling trapped in routine. Feelings of overwhelm, stress, or pressure related to your workload or responsibilities. Fears of losing individuality, being consumed by work or responsibilities, or feeling like you are in an environment that is too mechanical or impersonal. Fear or jealousy of competition or enemies being highly productive. Feelings about a problem getting out of hand or becoming excessive with creating further problems. You may feel like you are being overworked or exploited in your job, or that your efforts are not being recognized or appreciated.

The type of factory or the conditions of the factory provide further insight into the kind of productivity or your ability to contribute, create, or get ahead in the world.

People who are paid well, but are unsatisfied with their jobs often dream of sweatshop factories filled with moaning and abused workers. This reflects their success restricting them and costing them happiness.

Example: A teenage girl dreamed of being on a date with her crush that felt like being stuck inside a factory. In waking life, she was talking to her school crush more than usual. In this case, the factory may have reflected her feelings about her interactions with her crush being limited to ongoing school productivity with assignments.

Example 2: A young man dreamed of climbing an old factory silo in order to watch a nuclear explosion detonate. In waking life, his boss called the DEA to come to their restaurant with drug-sniffing dogs. The boss told the employees to get clean off drugs in 45 days or they'd be fired. The dreamer was already clean off drugs, but aware that other people may not keep their jobs due to being unable to get clean off drugs. In this case, the old factory may have reflected the dreamer's perception of themself as previously being involved with non-stop ongoing drug use or communication with drug dealers that was discontinued.



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