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To dream of eyebrows represents feelings of dignity and self-respect about appearances of being intelligent with your decision-making. Dignity and self-respect about appearances of being wise.

Positively, dreaming about eyebrows might symbolize the self-respect you have for your appearance with the ability to make wise choices. A conscious understanding of your actions and decisions and their impacts. Your awareness of how others perceive you based on your choices.

Negatively, dreaming about eyebrows could represent feelings of losing dignity or self-respect in your decision-making. You may be struggling with a perceived need to exaggerate or embellish your actions or experiences, which conflicts with your principles. It might symbolize fear of appearing foolish or unwise in the eyes of others or the feeling of being misunderstood or undervalued for your decisions.

To dream of losing eyebrows represents a loss of dignity or self-respect about appearing intelligent about your decision-making. A situation that feels terrible about not being able to appear wise to anyone.

To dream of shaving an eyebrow off represents the choice to temporarily put your dignity or self-respect about appearances aside. Making strange or embarrassing choices that others don't understand or respect you for. Consciously losing others' respect for your decision-making ability or wiseness.

To dream of plucking an eyebrow represents feelings about carefully adjusting how dignified or wise you appear in your decision-making. The precision and detail you apply to maintain or improve the perception of your intelligence and wisdom in the eyes of others. The fine-tuning of personal identity. Shaping or controlling how you are perceived by others intellectually, especially in social situations.

Positively, dreaming of plucking eyebrows may represent a proactive approach to refining your self-image or presentation to showcase your intelligence and wisdom. A conscious effort to present oneself in the best light, eliminating anything that could hinder or distort the perception of your wise choices.

Negatively, plucking an eyebrow in a dream may represent an obsession with perfection or the fear that any minor flaw in your presentation or decisions could diminish your perceived dignity or wisdom. Feelings of vulnerability, where you believe every small imperfection is under scrutiny, or the fear of being perceived as less intelligent or less capable than you truly are.

To dream of over-plucking or accidentally removing an eyebrow suggests feelings of having gone too far in trying to refine or adjust your image. Feeling that you might not be able to respect yourself with dignity or look intelligent to other people for a long time.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing people with eyebrows that looked fake and overly hairy. In waking life, he felt he was unfairly fired from his job due to an issue with a superior and felt that he may need to start lying about what happened at his old job in order to make getting a new job easier. In this case, the fake overly hairy eyebrows may have reflected his feelings about the perceived need to embellish or exaggerate his story in order to maintain dignity and self-respect of being intelligent about the decisions he had made at his old job that got him fired.

Example 2: A man dreamed of seeing someone with a unibrow. In waking life, he had chosen to be single for a very long period of time and he began to sense that the people around him thought he was a loser because of it. In this case, the unibrow may have reflected the man's self-perception of maintaining dignity and self-respect in his decision to remain single, despite it being viewed as unusual or strange by others.

Example 3: A man dreamed of his mother telling him to pluck his eyebrows. In waking life, he felt that his mother still treated him like a child. In this case, plucking the eyebrows may have reflected his feelings of discomfort and irritation about his mother's attempts to adjust or criticize his appearance and decisions, making him feel like he needed to refine or improve himself to meet her standards of maturity or wiseness.

*Please See Unibrow



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