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To dream of an angel represents goodness, purity, protection, comfort, and consolation. Angels may also represent your view of a person or situation that you see as being a perfect solution to a problem. An angel reflects a wonderful situation in your life that relieves you of a burden or spares you of difficulty. An angel is indicative of a situation that leaves you feeling blessed, thankful, or lucky.

An angel may also represent a partner, fiancee, or spouse that you see as being perfect.

Angels often appear in the dreams of people who have had a powerful spiritual experience or renewed interest in their beliefs because it's reflecting the sense of safety, belonging, or "safe harbor" that comes with these experiences.

To dream of a person you know with angel wings represents some aspect of your personality that make you feel safer or relieved of a difficult situation. It may also reflect your feelings about that person making your life easier or protecting you in some way. It may also reflect your feelings about them being perfect.

To dream of angel wings being cut off or burned off represents a problem or negative intentions that keep something or someone from being viewed as perfect. Wanting to see someone or something as perfect, but feeling that something is not allowing it.

To dream that you are an angel represents your feelings of responsibility, or a need to protect others. Being someone else's perfect solution to a problem.

Example: A woman dreamed of an angel walking towards her. In real life she was amazed when a friend wanted to practice her faith with her. Something she longed for. The angel reflected how this friend was a perfect solution to her problem of not being able to practice her faith the way she always wanted to.

Example 2: A man dreamed of having an angel on his shoulder telling him to not go listen to certain music. In waking life he was in a band that was going nowhere and realized that taking a serious job away from music would be a very good idea to listen to in order to have financial stability for the rest of his life.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of assuming angels were protecting her while she drove a car blind. In waking life she was believing in God for a great turnaround to a frustrating financial problem. In this case the angel symbolism may have reflected her belief that faith in God was all she needed to survive a financial difficulty without thinking harder about more real world options to fix her problem. She may have been surviving financial problems "on luck" believing it was God.

Example 4: A young woman dreamed of seeing angels giving her a part of their souls. In waking life she didn't like her job and was hoping to get a new job that she liked a lot. In this case the angels may have reflected her thoughts about working at a new job after getting job responses from companies she liked making her feel good about being taken away from the job she didn't like. She felt potential relief of her current job not mattering as much.

*Please See Halo

*Please See Heaven



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