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To dream of throwing something away from yourself represents your desire to rid yourself of certain emotions, situations, or responsibilities. A sense of frustration, abandonment, or rejection of an idea. Deliberate avoidance.

Negatively, dreaming about throwing something away from yourself could represent rash decisions, a lack of control, or a failure to take into account the consequences of your actions. A feeling of desperation, as you try to 'throw' away problems, emotions, or responsibilities without properly dealing with them. Recklessness or a tendency to act without thinking.

To dream of throwing something on the ground represents feelings of disdain, rejection, or dismissal towards a particular idea, emotion, or situation. You may be symbolically "casting away" something that you find bothersome, irrelevant, or no longer valuable to your life.

Negatively, dreaming about throwing something on the ground represents disrespect, wastefulness, or a lack of appreciation for what you have. It might also indicate a hasty decision to discard something without fully understanding its value or significance, potentially leading to regret later on.

To dream of something being thrown at you represents feelings of being targeted, attacked, or singled out in some way. This could symbolize emotional confrontations, criticisms, disrespect from others, or the projection of other people's issues onto you. You might feel under pressure to react or respond to situations.

Positively, having something thrown at you could signify a challenge or opportunity that is directed toward you, inviting your attention and action. It may also indicate a wake-up call, forcing you to address an issue you've been avoiding.

Negatively, this dream could indicate feelings of vulnerability, unpreparedness, or being unfairly blamed or criticized. It may symbolize unexpected obstacles or difficulties thrown your way, which you feel forced to confront.

To dream of throwing something at a person represents your emotional or intellectual attempt to make an impact, get your point across, or influence someone's opinion or actions. A proactive approach to confront issues head-on, with the expectation that the targeted person will respond positively.

Negatively, dreaming of throwing something at a person could symbolize feelings of aggression, resentment, or a desire to harm, either physically or emotionally. It can suggest a lack of control over your emotions and a failure to approach conflicts or disagreements in a mature manner. This may also indicate that you are forcibly pushing your views or feelings onto others, which could lead to misunderstandings or conflicts.

To dream of catching something thrown at you represents your ability to successfully receive, process, or respond to messages, ideas, emotions, opportunities, or challenges directed toward you. A readiness to deal with issues head-on or a preparedness for whatever life throws your way. Feelings of being in control. Your ability to effectively handle emotional or social situations.

Example: A man dreamed of a microphone being thrown on the ground. In waking life, he felt a strong need to discuss God's will with his family because he felt nobody else was. In this case, the microphone being thrown on the ground may have reflected his feelings about the deliberate avoidance of a meaningful conversation about faith within his family.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of trying to stop a man from throwing a baby over the side of an ocean liner. In waking life, she was taking her time contemplating a career change while being in the middle of a lawsuit. In this case, trying to stop a man from throwing a baby over the side of an oceanliner may have reflected her concerns about rash decisions or actions taken by the person she is in a lawsuit with. It could signify her fear that the other party might do something drastic or damaging to get rid of something important that would affect her future.

*Please See Stones



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