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To dream of a neck represents the interface between your thoughts and feelings. What you feel and what you actually choose to do in life about those feelings. The connection between your thoughts and actions. Often a symbol for your total commitment to a relationship or situation.

Negatively, a neck symbolizes issues where you may feel one way, but act in another.

Romantically, a neck may represent how committed you are. How dedicated you are both emotionally and physically to someone.

A pain or problem with your neck represents problems with expressing your true feelings or living by what you really believe in.

To dream of putting a necklace around a neck represents a total commitment to a situation or person. You are committed with both mind and action.

Example: A young girl dreamed having a boil on her neck that got worse. In waking life she was regretting her choice to date her boyfriend and slowly beginning to feel awkward around him.

Example 2: A man dreamed of feeling weird giving a girl he liked a necklace. In waking life he was beginning to feel that this girl that he liked was too old for him.



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