To dream of green represents thinking of yourself, where lighter and darker shades determine how positive or negative thinking of yourself is. Positively, green may indicate a healthy need to think of yourself first. Negatively, green may indicated an excessive need to think of yourself first.
To dream of light green represents often represents healing or thinkng of yourself in a positive way. Removal of obstacles, positive change, or health problems are improving. Progress or moving forward with a problem. It may also represent psychological or emotional issues that you are overcoming. Light green may also be a sign that you are experiencing physical healing. People commonly dream of light green when starting a new career or relationship. Hope, renewal, and fresh beginnings. Emotional healing and growth.
To dream of dark green represents jealousy, greed, arrogance, materialism, or selfishness. Thinking of yourself in a negative way. Totally preoccupation with your own pleasure, personal gain, or arrogance. A situation in waking life where you have no concern for other people's feeling's or wellbeing. Not wanting to share with other people. Powerful fears of losing or thoughts of suicide. Dark green can also reflect growth that you feel is happening in the wrong direction, slow progress, feeling prevented from finding a healthy outlet.
Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a bright flash of light green light. In waking life, he was experiencing an unexpected improvement in his health. In this case, the light green may have reflected healing.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of wearing a disgusting green dress. In waking life, she couldn't stand waiting for a guy she was having an affair with to leave his wife. In this case, the disgusting green color of the dress may have reflected her negative feelings of jealousy and impatience while waiting for the man to leave his wife.
Example 3: A young man dreamed of seeing someone wearing dark green clothing. In waking life, he was so afraid of a serious financial loss that he was constantly thinking of suicide as the only way to escape it. In this case, the dark green clothing may have reflected his personality being overwhelmed by feelings of fear, jealousy, and despair associated with the potential financial loss. It may also point to his powerful selfish need to avoid embarrassment all costs, even if it meant killing himself and hurting his family.