To dream of being trapped represents waking life situations where you feel restricted or confined. You may feel stuck in your job, health, or personal relationship. A problem in waking life that you feel there is no escaping. You may also feel that you're in a rut or are bored of the same daily monotony. Feeling that life has "cast a net over you."
Negatively, dreams of being trapped may reflect waking life situations where you've been caught being dishonest with no excuses left. Feeling forced to face the truth.
To dream of being trapped in a room may reflect feelings of completely unable to escape a waking life situation. Feeling that you are total loser or total failure and can't do anything about it. Having to way to extricate yourself from a problem.
To dream of being trapped in a windowless room may reflect a fear of being stuck as you are with no way to ever know what is going to happen to you next. Feeling stuck in a situation that feels so dangerous that you can't do anything at all about it.
To dream of being trapped in an unhappy relationship or marriage represents feelings of about some area of your life that you feel unhappy thinking is permanent. Possibly a sign that you are unhappy with your job, relationship, home, neighborhood, car, clothes, physical appearance, or something else that is ingrained into yourself. Feeling stupid that you can't move on with your life. It may also reflect feelings about the partner in your current relationship having too much control or leverage for you to easily leave them.
Example: A woman dreamed of being trapped in her childhood home. In real life she felt impotent to confront a number of family issues because she was afraid to anger her family.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of being trapped. In waking life she felt stuck in an unhappy marriage.
Example 3: A man felt trapped in a wall. In waking life he felt trapped in poor economic conditions.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of being trapped in a car underwater. In waking life she was having money problems. Feeling trapped in this case may have reflected her feelings about her money problems preventing her from addressing important problems.