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Train Tracks

To dream of a train track symbolizes a journey in life or long term goal that requires commitment. Something that requires you to "stay on track" for a long period of time.

Negatively, train tracks may reflect obligations you are having anxiety or second thoughts about. Unpleasant feelings about having to stay on course with a long term goal. Fearing making a change to your plans. Too much focus on keeping a routine. Unavoidable confrontation or a situation that can't be stopped. A "one track" mind.

Example: A woman dreamed of having her foot stuck in a railway track crossing as a train started to come towards her. She desperately tried to get her foot out of the track and couldn't. In waking life was having doubts about her upcoming wedding. She ended up cancelling her wedding after this dream. The train tracks and oncoming train symbolism may have reflected her feelings about feeling "stuck" with the marriage because of her acceptance of the marriage proposal and fearing the wedding date getting closer when she wasn't really ready to be married.

Example 2: A man dreamed of two dogs fighting on a train track. In waking life he was having an argument with a co-worker about the direction a long-term project was headed.

Example 3: A man dreamed of seeing a train track. In waking life he felt that a problem in his life was leading to an unavoidable confrontation.

Example 4: A woman dreamed of needing to stay on a train track. In waking life she felt that she needed to stick with a diet in order to lose weight.



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