To dream of train represents situations in your life that you feel will take a long time to complete. It may also reflect long term projects or plans you are working on or planning. Train dreams often reflect the long term nature of life or our expectations for things that may take years to complete.
To dream of riding on a railroad train represents a long term goal or outcome you are working towards. A long term "journey" with some area of your life.
To dream of missing a train may reflect feelings about having missed out on a long term opportunity or plan you had. Missing out on a new phase in your life.
To dream of being hit by a train may reflect neglecting to consider someone else's long term plans which are more important than your current plans.
To dream of being on a train that is going in the opposite direction to another train may reflect feelings about different long term directions in life than other people. Feeling that you are drifting apart from other people or that you have nothing in common with others.
To dream of running on top of a moving train may reflect feelings about impatience with a situation that you know will take a long term to finish.
Many people in mourning dream of their loved ones leaving on trains.
Example: A woman dreamed of getting on an uncomfortable crowded train with no room to sit. In waking life her boyfriend had just died and she didn't know what to do with the rest of her life.
Example 2: A man dreamed of being on a train and speaking to people that would never believe him. In real life he experienced a spiritual awakening after taking an Amazonian hallucinogenic tea called ayahuasca. The train dream reflected the new spiritual journey he was on and how he felt that nobody would believe anything he said about his hallucinogenic experience for the rest of his life because it was too weird.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of being on a train going in one direction and seeing a passing train going in another direction with her mother on it. In waking life she felt that that death of her mother was causing her to move in completely different directions in life from her family after her mother died.
Example 4: A woman dreamed of being on a train in the dining car when Native Americans stopped the train to board it and take it over. In waking life she was in late term pregnancy and fearing something wrong happening. The train in this case may have reflected her feelings about the long-term nature of the pregnancy.
Example 5: A woman dreamed of being on a train that unexpectedly stopped. In waking life she was experiencing serious relationship problems. The train that stopped in the dream may have reflected her feelings about her long term expectations for the relationship being in jeopardy.
Example 6: A man dreamed of running on the top of a train. In waking life he was very impatient about getting a new job after having lost his old job. He knew getting a new job would take a long time, but he was making extra effort to look like he was trying hard to get a job to his wife because he didn't want to look like he was not appreciating her support.
Example 7: A woman dreamed of getting off a train. In waking life she had raised her teenage granddaughter and was starting to get annoyed by her granddaughter's relationship problems.
*Please See Derailment