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To dream of walking a tightrope represents feelings of needing strict discipline or adherence. A precarious situation where action must carefully be considered. Not wanting to make a single mistake. Feeling that you are "walking a fine line" with potential danger or with what is considered acceptable.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing someone walking a tightrope. In waking life he was undergoing a strict spiritual regime for cleansing and didn't want to give in to any temptation or negative thinking at all. He feared feeling like a total failure if he didn't adhere to his spiritual cleansing regime perfectly.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing a tightrope walker that she didn't want to be around. In waking life she was pregnant and felt that her husband wanted to keep carefully having sex to not harm the baby.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of walking a tightrope over crocodiles. In waking life she was concerned about her behavior at work needing to be perfectly acceptable to avoid being fired.



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