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To dream of a thumb represents your ability to get a grip on things or keep a situation staying the way you want it. Your ability to keep stability and control in a situation or relationship. A thumb reflects a wish to keep something the same. Management ability or your ability to keep a situation stable.

To dream that you have no thumb represents feelings that you lack the ability to keep something exactly the way you want it. You may be experiencing changes that are beyond your ability to control.

To dream of having an abnormally large thumb represents a heightened sense of control or success. You may feel better capable of controlling a situation than others.

To dream of giving a thumbs up represents approval and that you are "okay" to proceed. Giving a thumbs down reflects disapproval.

Example: A woman dreamed that she was going to have her thumb amputated. In real life she was proposed to and because of a past failed marriage she felt her relationship was going to change in ways she didn't like. Having to amputate the thumb in the dream reflects her feeling that she may forever lose her "grip" on the current state of her relationship because of the changes proposal would have on the relationship making it more serious.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of her being all thumbs as she held a rotting vegetable in her garden. In waking life she was feeling that she was in inadequate mother who was only capable of managing her child and not helping her child.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of worms coming out of her thumbs. In waking life he was experiencing a lot of anxiety about being able to provide for her children and feared losing them and her husband. The worms coming out of her thumb may have reflected her uncomfortable feelings about being unable to effectively keep her family life stable of and under control.



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