Thrift Store
To dream of a thrift store represents feelings about decision-making or options that consider the value of being frugal, resourceful, or appreciating what others may discard. Thoughts about the importance of conservation, frugality, or making the most of what you have. Your ability to find value in the old or overlooked, and your creativity in reusing or repurposing what is available to you. Taking advantage of people or options that are unwanted by other people. Using a discarded or unloved area of your life to benefit yourself. Exploiting something that nobody else wants to help yourself. Needing or wanting to make do with what's available. Recognizing the value in something that others may overlook or discard.
Negatively, dreaming about a thrift store represents feelings of being limited by your current resources or circumstances. Perhaps you feel constrained by your financial situation. Resourcefulness or frugality that uses people who are unimportant or overlooked by society (e.g. elderly).
Example: A man dreamed of stealing from a thrift store. In waking life, he asked his very elderly and lonely grandfather for money when his family told him not to. In this case, stealing from the thrift store may have reflected feelings about exploiting" his grandfather's loneliness and vulnerability for his own financial gain, akin to taking advantage of something unwanted or discarded by others.