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Taxi Cab

To dream of a taxi cab represents control of a situation that notices someone doing what you want, but it costs you. People or situations in waking life that take care of all the work for you. Choices that you feel will get to you to goals effortlessly if you choose them, but not for free. A direction in life where you are being "taxied" to answers or solutions that you asked for with a personal cost. A situation in life where you are being "taxied" to answers or solutions that you asked for.

Negatively, a taxi cab may reflect choices that you feel will easily solve difficult problems for you if you make them quickly. Thinking you can buy your way to success with one easy expensive choice. Not caring about anything except getting something done. Feeling that you can easily be taken to a perfect outcome by using you resources you feel you can easily afford. Not feeling you have to do anything difficult yourself, but it costs you. Quick budgeted attempt to use someone or something to get something.

Example: A woman dreamed of a black taxi. In real life she made a number of vacation reservations that she feared she would not be able to make. The taxi represented the travel agency that made the reservations she had others take care of for her. The black color of the taxi cab reflected her fear of not being able to enjoy the vacation reservations as her travel agency was useless.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of being in a cab with 2 men she was dating who ended up stealing her watch and leaving the cab. In waking life she felt that dressing up and being pretty would effortlessly help her get married and slowly began to realize that finding the right man to start a family with was going to be more work than she thought. The taxi cab in this case may have reflected whatever method she was using to try to date men that wasn't doing anything except wasting her time.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of her children waiting for a bus, then putting them in a taxi, and then walking them to a bus again. In waking life she was divorced and trying to get her ex-husband to pay her child support costs in a trial which wasn't working. The taxi cab in this case may have reflected her attempts to use a lawyer quickly to try to get child support out of her ex on a limited budget that didn't end up working.



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