To dream of a suntan represents a renewed sense of optimism. Noticeable or lasting results from something that benefits you. You have been exposed to a situation which brings you good luck or success. Spoiled by good fortune.
Consider the body part that has gotten suntanned for additional meaning.
To dream of a suntanned stomach may reflect feelings of renewed optimism for areas of your life you were originally very sensitive or tense about.
Example: A man dreamed of seeing his wife with a suntanned stomach. In waking life he was very sensitive and tense about his wife having tried to divorce him e him forcing him to sell his home or get a loan to pay her half of the property's value. When she got stuck on medical probation due to a psychological problem and forced to stay home on the medication unable to leave him, he felt a renewed optimism about her never being able to leave him again...reducing his sensitivity about a possible divorce. He felt good about his wife's medicated house arrest because it prevented her from continuing her attempt to get a divorce.
*Please See Sunburn
*Please See Sunscreen