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To dream of buying stocks in a company represents your personal investment in other people or an outcome. Believing that if you care about or help someone now it will produce benefits later on. Hope for the future or taking risks for the future. Seeing a long term benefit in helping someone or doing something.

Negatively, buying stocks may reflect your fear of having believed in someone or something too much. Fearing having your hopes dashed. Risking too much.

To dream of selling stocks at a profit represents benefits or windfalls for having having believed in people, ideas, or in a possibility. Reaping the rewards for being faithful, loyal, or having taken advantage of an opportunity when it was presented to you.

To dream of selling stocks and losing money represents misplaced priorities, bad foresight, or bad luck. Believing hype. Poor long-term judgement. Alternatively, losing money on stocks may reflect feelings of having been lied to or disappointment in people who had potential.

To dream of stock/share buybacks may reflect feeling that you or someone else is now strong enough to stand on their own. Feeling that you or others don't need anyones help or support anymore. Repaying debts or favors to reclaim or increase independence. Not wanting to feel like you owe anyone anything. Not wanting to feel like someone can "have a piece of you" or a "piece of your action."



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