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To dream of being stabbed represents feelings of being hurt, attacked, betrayed, or that something is getting back at you. Feeling wounded by someone else's actions or remarks. Feeling attacked with separation conflict or jealousy. Feelings about others retaliating against you. Conflict or jealousy over an issue that makes you feel that doing something a second time is a mistake. Feeling attacked for not listening. Feelings of being intentionally hurt or witnessing someone trying to cause you pain or loss. Feelings about people turning on you. You may be experiencing feelings of inadequacy. Feelings about someone taking out their anger, resentment, or frustration on you. Feelings about ignorant people or situations that want you to separate yourself from involvement in something that makes them jealous. Unresolved issues that need attention. Your emotional response to a perceived threat or act of aggression in your life.

Positively, dreaming of being stabbed may represent your awareness of a situation where you need to defend yourself or take action to protect your interests. It can serve as a warning signal to address conflicts or threats in your waking life before they escalate.

Negatively, dreaming of being stabbed could represent feelings of vulnerability, fear, or emotional trauma. Feelings of injustice, being backstabbed by friends, or suffering from deceitful actions of others. Unresolved conflicts, lingering mistrust, or emotional scars from past experiences. It could also highlight your own feelings of guilt or regret over actions you've taken against others. Feelings of fear, powerlessness, or victimization in the face of real or perceived betrayal.

To dream of stabbing someone else represents your defensiveness, anger, resentment, or frustration towards someone. Taking out your anger on someone. You're own betrayal of someone else. A wish to restore your independence in a relationship or situation. Your own separation jealousy or getting back at someone. Wanting to feel others pain or to know that you are hurting them in some way. Attacking someone for why you never want them to repeat a certain behavior ever again. Telling someone you don't like them or don't want them near you again. Your attempt to retaliate against someone who has wronged you or prevent them from continuing a certain behavior.

Alternatively, stabbing may reflect feelings about threats of physical harm or botched surgical procedures.

Consider the area of the body being stabbed for additional meaning.

To dream of being stabbed in the neck represents a conflict with commitments that have been made. You may feel that someone or something is challenging your ability to stay committed or attacking your dedication. Feeling attacked for your commitments. Feeling that someone doesn't want you to like something ever again or wants to you give up in some way. If you are trying to stab someone else in the neck it may be a sign that you are very jealous or angry about someone else's commitment to something.

To dream of being stabbed in the leg may reflect conflict with independent choices. Feeling attacked for wanting to do something on your own. If you stab someone else in the leg it may reflect your wish to stop a person or situation from becoming independent.

To dream of being stabbed in the hand represents feelings about conflict with capability. Feeling attacked for your abilities or skills. Feeling jealousy from someone that you are capable or good at something. Feeling that someone or something is trying to turn you into a loser who can't perform well on your own. To dream that you are trying to stab someone else in their hands may reflect your attempt to attack a person or problem that is performing at a competent level that is uncomfortable for you. Jealousy that someone is doing something better than you.

To dream of being stabbed in the foot represents feelings about your principles, moral foundation, or things you stand for being wounded by someone else's actions or words. Jealousy or conflict is negatively affecting "what you stand for." A situation or person that never wants you to stand your ground ever again.

To dream of being stabbed in the chest represents feelings about personal power (assertive or passive) being wounded by someone else's actions or words. Feeling attacked for your ability to assert yourself without question. Power that assumes it's an authoritative role or listened to easily feels under attack by jealousy or conflict. A situation or person who never wants you to exact personal power ever again.

To dream of being stabbed in the eye represents feelings about observation, judgment, or consciousness being wounded by someone else's words or actions. Feeling that how you see a situation is under attack by jealousy or conflict. A situation or person who never wants you to observe or cast judgment in the same way ever again.

To dream of being stabbed in the head represents feelings about intellect or decision-making being under attack by someone else's words or actions. Jealousy or conflict negatively affecting control. A situation or person that never wants you to control yourself or make conscious decisions.

Example: A woman dreamed of experiencing herself stabbing her sister all over her body. In waking life, she was very angry at God for the death of her sister and went into her bedroom while alone and cursed God for killing her sister. In this case, stabbing her sister may have reflected her feelings of intense anger, frustration, and emotional turmoil directed towards God for the loss of her sister. The sister's image in the dream could symbolize God's responsibility for the tragic event itself, rather than the sister as an individual, reflecting the dreamer's struggle to cope with the loss and make sense of the situation.

Example 2: A young woman dreamed of being stabbed with a butcher knife. In waking life, she regularly had to undergo surgeries. In this case, being stabbed with a butcher knife may have reflected her feelings that the surgeries were invasive," abrupt, and harsh, feeling almost like a violent assault on her body with scars that made her remember each operation. She may have felt that the surgeries were not being conducted with care for appearances and were more focused on medical necessity. She may have also felt that the surgeries get back at her each time she gets one done by creating unattractive scars making her feel less motivated to have more surgeries.

Example 3: A woman dreamed of almost being stabbed, but avoiding it. In waking life, she was avoiding being helpful to people she thought were ungrateful and didn't want to offer them further assistance. In this case, the almost being stabbed may have reflected her feelings of avoiding the negative experience of being cheated with losing money or wasting time on people who didn't appreciate or deserve her help.

Example 4: A woman had recurring dreams of being stabbed by people. In waking life, she was having recurring issues with jealousy of being betrayed by these people. She felt that whenever she allowed people into her life they turned on her.

*Please See Knife



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