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Sleep Paralysis

Contrary to popular belief sleep paralysis, or "old hag syndrome" is not a sleeping disorder. The entire experience is actually a dream state that symbolizes how paralyzed you are in waking life by problems, or negative thinking patterns you have. Feeling trapped living with a decision you made. Feeling trapped in an illegal business. Feeling unable to safely or smoothly transition to a new way of living. Feeling trapped in a relationship.

The paralyzed state represents your awareness of problems in your life that you are powerless to change. The old hag that often pushes down on persons chest represents an intuitive aspect of yourself that is negative, yet knows better. This part of you suffocates the real inner you, or paralyzes your ability to progress in life due to negative thinking patterns you see no benefit in changing.

Sleep paralysis is a sign that you need to begin to process negativity in your life. First, you need to stand up to fear whenever you feel it and make time to face fears that you know you have. Speak to people about your fears and troubles. Next, you need to resist desire for attractive people and material things that you don't believe you can ever really have. You also want to give up a need to have something at all costs.

The next thing you need to do is to begin to apologize for everything wrong you ever did in your life and take responsibility for your actions. Then you want to forgive anyone who ever did you wrong and learn to let go of the past. Jealousy, guilt, and bitterness should also be addressed.

What all this does is help you to clear your conscience and raise your level of consciousness and awareness of what you are thinking.

It's also recommended that you begin to monitor your thoughts and begin to ask yourself why you are thinking about everything you are thinking. What motivates these thoughts or feelings?

Lastly, you may want to begin to seek professional advice, or help from more experienced people so that you can gain new perspectives into your problems.

Example: A man dreamed of being paralyzed on his bed while sleeping on his back. A translucent ghost-like old hag woman witch appeared on top of him and pinned him to the bed. He swore at the woman and saw the energy from his swear words being absorbed into the old woman as food. In waking life he felt trapped inside an illegal business which he started when he was younger. He felt like the worst person in the world and that it was impossible to transition to a new form of employment because he had run the illegal business for so long that no company would hire him because he couldn't explain his previous experience to any potential employers.

*Please See Coma



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