To dream of a robot represents a mechanical, methodical and rigid thinking style. Automatic thinking or responses that are not thought out. Totally straight forward or emotionless decisions. Behavior that unemotionally doesn't explain itself.
Alternatively, a robot may reflect your perception of someone who does whatever you tell them without questioning it. It may also reflect your own tendency to do whatever someone else tells you without questioning it.
Example: A high school student dreamed of robots chasing him. In waking life he felt that friends at his school weren't a good influence anymore and so he felt he had to change schools as soon as possible. The robots chasing him may have reflected his fear about changing schools so directly, unemotionally, and without explaining himself to friends.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of giant scary chicken robots killing her dog. In waking life she felt that her husband was cheating on her so he confronted him about it. He was too scared and uncomfortable to speak to her about it at all and very directly avoided her. This scared her from bringing it up again. The robots in this case may have reflected her husband's very cold and direct manner of avoiding talking to her or properly explaining himself.
*Please See Androids