To dream of a president represents an aspect of yourself that has authority, power, or total control over others. Power structure or management structure. Awareness of a hierarchy that must be respected before all else. The ability to make important or serious decisions. Authoritarian decision-making abilities. You or someone else that has to be taken seriously.
The ability to tell others what to do. You or someone else that is dictating the terms or outcome of a situation. The right to be in charge and give orders. A president may also reflect an important decision you are making.
To dream that you are President may reflect feelings about yourself having the power to delegate decisions or control people by simply asking for it. Feelings about your power, connections, or resources having to be respected before all else.
Your personal opinions, feelings, or memories about the president may add additional symbolism. (e.g. President Nixon may symbolize corrupt power and control, Kennedy may reflect naive tragic idealistic progress.)
To dream that you are running for president represents your quest for power or authority. A relationship or situation that you feel you deserve to lead or control.
To dream of the US President represents an aspect of your personality that has total authority over a mindset of thinking freely.
Negatively, the US President may reflect overdoing pushing away anything that doesn't let you think freely. Your view of another person having too much power of your ability to think freely. A man controlling a woman's ability to think freely because he has total authority over finances or total control over her life.
To dream of meeting the US President represents feelings about be exposed to power or management responsibilities that you don't normally get exposed to. Tasting power.
Example: A woman dreamed that she was President and feeling that people were scared of her. In waking life she felt powerful after filing a complaint against a noisy neighbor and scaring them with potential eviction. She felt that she had the power to make simple phone calls or letters to make other carry out her will.
Example 2: A person dreamed of a President dying. In waking life they were experiencing a big change in management at work.
Example 3: A woman dreamed of running away from the Donald Trump and the government. In waking life she was having marriage troubles. In this case Donald Trump may have reflected her feelings about his husband and his personality while arguing. At the time of the dream Donald Trump was US President. The dreamer may have felt that her husband was faster than her about power that controlled aspects of her life that allowed her to think freely.