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Praying Mantis

To dream of a praying mantis represents your feelings about a person or situation that has a total disregard for your feelings. Feeling that someone is intentionally unsupportive. It may also reflect your feelings about a person scares you that they will never listen to you. Feeling forced to face your fear. An unbearable dilemma or inevitability.

A praying mantis may also reflect your own attempts to pressure people with fear or unbearableness to get them to go away. Insensitively subjecting others to their fear.

Positively, a praying mantis may reflect forcing others to face their fears when they don't want to. Not listening to the feelings of someone you are preparing to force into making a change they have absolutely no interest in making.

A praying mantis is a common symbol for people who take drugs and have bad trips because it reflects the person's feelings about how unbearable it feels that the negative experience will not stop.

Ayahuasca users commonly report seeing a praying mantis symbolism while intoxicated by the tea. The praying mantis in these cases most likely symbolizes unpleasant confrontation with fear or other negative psychological issues. It may also reflect the vomiting or diarrhea.

Example: A young man dream of getting into a fight with a praying mantis and getting stung by it. In waking life he felt he was risking breaking up with his girlfriend if he left on a trip and took the trip anyway. His girlfriend broke up with him shortly after. The praying mantis most likely reflected his feelings about his choice to leave on the trip being completely at odds for his feelings.



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