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Power Lines

To dream about power lines represents feelings of stable empowerment. How securely empowered you feel or how securely empowered you perceive someone else to be. A situation in your life that gives you access to a constant feeling of power. Feeling perfectly connected to a source of power at all times. Feeling that it's impossible or extremely difficult to lose your connection to power.

Negatively, power lines may reflect feelings jealousy of other people being more secure with their empowerment than you are. People that are jealous of you and intentionally keep other people more connected to power or winning than you are. Problems associated with interrupting a confident mindset of being powerful. Other people that are never jealous at all while you can only watch them with less power.

To dream of being entangled in power lines represents your conflict with getting power or staying powerful. It may also reflect feelings of being stuck or controlled by someone else's power.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing power lines. In waking life he had lost a lot of weight and became exceptionally more physically attractive. He felt a strong sense of power over women and felt he could never lose that power again.

Example 2: A man dreamed of fearing that power lines near him would cause cancer. In waking life he was experiencing a very difficult moment with his business that allowed all his competition to be more successful than him with little effort. He felt that other people's stable sense of power may cause to slowly lose everything he had worked for.



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