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Postage Stamps

To dream of postage stamps represents feelings about approval, validation, or being official about deserving to talk to someone about something important. Feelings about deserving to tell someone something important whenever you want. Feelings about deserving to talk to someone through someone else about something important. Being serious about starting to communicate with someone. Being serious about communicating or "sending a message." Feelings about deserving to talk to someone else about something because you have a good reason that validates you. Expressing the desire to communicate with someone.

To dream of collecting stamps represents feelings about meeting people, visiting places, or gaining experience that allows you to deserve valid or official reasons to talk to people. Your ability to navigate different situations or interact with various people effectively. Feelings of pressure to prove your worth through diverse experiences or accomplishments.

Example: A person dreamed of licking a postage stamp and finding that it tasted really bad. In waking life, they had a really bad experience with a company that they did business with. They felt that the service was slow, unhelpful, and that they were ripped off. In this case, the postage stamp with the bad taste may have reflected feelings about not deserving to communicate in a serious manner with anyone else about the business's service because it was such poor service they didn't feel it merited a recommendation.

Example 2: A person dreamed of collecting postage stamps from all over the world. In waking life, they were planning a vacation that would visit a large number of countries. In this case, collecting the stamps may have reflected their feelings about deserving to talk about visiting each of the individual countries on the planned trip to people whenever they wanted.

Example 3: A person dreamed of trying to mail a letter and being unable to find the right stamp. They got frustrated and started to sweat. Eventually, they gave up and left the post office without mailing the letter. In waking life, they were overwhelmed with responsibilities at work and had a lot of deadlines that they were unsure could be met. In this case, being unable to find the right postage stamp may have reflected their feelings of being unable or unsure about how to deserve an official or valid reason to communicate with someone important about a business matter because they felt that their concerns didn't qualify to bother someone more professional than themself.

Example 4: A person dreamed of collecting postage stamps and was able to collect the whole set. In waking life, they completed a large project at work and were feeling proud of themself. In this case, collecting stamps may have reflected their feelings about their large work project allowing them to meet people and travel places in order to gain experience talking to a lot of different people or professionals whom they felt could be contacted at any time if the issue deserved to be important enough.

*Please See Stamped



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