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To dream of a planet represents an issue that you feel your entire life revolves around.

To dream of leaving a planet may reflect a dramatic change in in how you are living your life. Beginning a strange situation or highly unusual circumstances. Leaving "life as you know it" behind. Alternatively, it may reflect leaving a highly unusual situation in your life as you transition back to normal.

To dream of strange planets may reflect your feelings about entirely different ways of living. Different cultures or lifestyles that are completely foreign to what you consider normal.

Example: A young man dreamed of seeing a copper colored planet in the sky. In waking life he felt his entire life revolving around his desire to be healthy because his disease was ruining every aspect of his life. The color copper symbolized his desire for the health he felt he couldn't have and the planet reflected how this desire was the central focus of his life.

Refer to the themes section for planets for a more in depth look at planet symbolism.



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