To dream of a mail delivered package represents acknowledgment from some area of your life that you've been waiting for. Seeing expected results or expectations actualizing as planned. A person or situation is doing what you thought they would. Feelings about acknowledging acquiring something. Feelings about having to begin handling a new situation you expected once it becomes a reality.
Negatively, mail delivered packages in a dream may reflect unpleasant feelings or unexpected conflicts associated with events you were expecting to happen. Fights or legal problems after getting money or property you were waiting for. Feeling that other people don't think you deserve an inheritance or gift. Unpleasant feelings about having to handle something new in your life. Feeling that getting what you expected is more difficult or unpleasant than you first thought it would be.
To dream of delivering a package may represent carrying through on your promises or doing what was expected of you.
Example: A woman dreamed of a package being delivered. In waking life her mother had died and she finally finalized paperwork that enabled her to inherit certain things from her mother. The package in this case may have reflected her feelings about expecting and and finally taking ownership of the inheritance after the mother's death. Family conflict began after this property transfer.
Example 2: A woman dreamed of getting a package and being happy about it. In waking life her husband got an expected job offer in a new US state and they were planning to move. The package in this case may have reflected her feelings about having to handle the reality of moving after first waiting for her husband's job offer to be secured.
*Please See Boxes