To see an office in your dream represents seriousness about something you are thinking. You may be spending a lot of time studying something or improving yourself in some way. Being very focused on figuring out problems, and working towards a future goal. A time of self-improvement, or personal growth.
To dream of your father in an office may reflect your serious decisions you are considering. A serious focus on studying what is right or wrong. Your conscience is "at work." Focusing on a problem or finding things about yourself that you can improve. It may also reflect conflict with serious decisions you are making. Feeling that a previous choices are overshadowing your current focus.
Example: A woman dreamed of her office being closed. In waking life she was in the process of changing careers, but felt she had to come to her job to please her clients.
Example 2: A young man dreamed of being in his home office with his father. In waking life he was studying hard in religious school about what is considered oral and what isn't.