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Northern Lights

To dream of the northern lights represents feelings about watching behavior that is noticed as incredible, awesome, or inspiring with it's generosity. Inspiring feelings about exceptional gestures of love, giving, or warmth. A wonderful experience of nothing jealous. Wanting to do something that other people will feel is amazingly generous.

Negatively, the Northern lights may be a sign that you are too concerned with other people thinking what you are doing is incredible, awesome, or inspiring. Too much concern that you appear as a perfectly loving, giving, warm person. A childish need to overcome jealousy and be noticed as the person who orchestrated it. Worrying that you aren't doing enough to be a caring person to stop terrible situations that you have little control over.

Example: A man dreamed of seeing moons in the sky and then turning around to see the Northern Lights. In waking life he heard about the murders of young Jewish boys and felt the need to show all his friends and family how sympathetic he was about the need to do something about it using youtube, facebook, and twitter as an outlet to express himself or encourage someone to take action.



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